Apostolic Journey to Canada, Homily of John Paul II, 15 September 1984 Saint Kateri Tekakwitha (1656-1680) the blood of the martyrs is the seed born Saints. Nine years after the Jesuit priest Father Isaac Jogues and Jean de Brebeuf was the native Huron and Iroquois tortured to death, a girl was born near the place of the martyrdom, in Auriesville, Nữu. She is the first native in North America was declared blessed. Her mother was a Christian Algonquin, Iroquois was arrested and forced to do the Mohawk chief's wife, is the brave tribes and the most brutal in the five Nations. When he was four years old, Kateri lost his parents and younger brother in the battle of epidemic that she, too, was almost blind and faces are distorted. She was an uncle brought about raising after he succeeded her father as Chief. He didn't like the monks A ¨ o Trai but he could not do was because of an agreement signed with France, forced to have the presence of monks in the village and Christians w...