About me

Fr Norris wrote 8 hand written spiritual diaries which is a mitigated work of the St Ignatius spiritual exercises. He gave me these little treasures and I am currently working on the book and have just published the obscure, never going to be popular first edition. If you would like to find out more
I was born in Rotorua in 1961. A town with pop 54,000 situated in the centre of a volcano caledra. http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/search/teara?
My first big life changing event was in 1984 I had a motorcycdle accident and lost my right arm in Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney. I was 22 and about to sign up in the Australia Army, thats if I passed the interview process.
In 1986 I purchased 12ha bush block in Australia. I started a small nursery business, (NPO) I worked with the local government on street tree planting and park regeneration liasioning with dept Corrections and local unemployed youth programs improving environmental areas in local towns. I worked on two Aborinal communities in NSW replanting of native trees.
The second major event was In 2004 moved back to my hometown (Rotorua. NZ) I sold everything and split up from my girlfriend after 15 years. I started my mid life crisis and I still am thinking, what is it all about!
The thrid event was more subtle. Confirmation as Catholic at St Michael's Rotorua. http://www.catholicrotorua.org.nz. A deeper belief in Christian values but still a sinner and still on a pilgrimage.
I was at the Good Shepherd College studying Theology when I was commissioned by Mahitahi http://www.mahitahi.org/ in 2009. I then went to Kiunga, Papua New Guinea for 3 months to work as project manager on a farm that was in the middle of the jungle.
I returned to Auckland where I met my wife Annette and we were Married at St Michael’s Church in Rotorua in 2010. We live next door to Mum & Dad in Rotorua. Thanks be to God they are healthy and over 80 still going strong. It is a difficult time thinking of my parents passing.


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