
Showing posts from 2018


In sickness. that is the time to reflect on the situation and how mortal we are. We will see the truth about life at this time, and do not be afraid.

Lent reflection Mark Baird 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This lent 2018, I delved deep into one of my faults, presumptuousness. I have been going to the monestary to do my usual solitary deep thinking, really called contemplation, if you walk with Jesus and relate your experiences with the Gospels and love the Celtic cross meditation walk next to the guest house. So I started raking the paths, pruning the hedges and started doing 'work' in the verge garden. This action started a conflict that is causing disharmony and not the path St Benedict wanted. I have only started reading O' Connell on the Vows and Obedience is very hard to understand. O' Connell clarifies the definition in its true contextual meaning, let all things be done in the love of Christ. This is not easy when our ego gets in the way. Looking back at my mistakes over Lent I think of Peter denying he knew Jesus, there is justification for lying. Not good of course but what do you do when you are terrified. This was my reflection. I

St Benedict's rule

When I first started going to the monestary I had a vision of 3 men standing in front of me while I slept, I was conscious of where I was and I couldn't hear what they were talking about but one guy was clearly disagreeing with the others.  I continued to return to Kopua over the next 15 years and after marrying moved to Norsewood a small village 10km away. In this first post I want to write about the way of monastic life and my experiences, the people who play a good part in my formation. Becoming more Christ-like is so hard, even with the awesome power of the Sacraments. Sin is always easy and very close by. I have been reading "Merton" and the vow of stability is moving me to a greater degree of humility/humiliation this is a good but difficult time for me.