A prayer from the Fr Norris mitigated St Ignatius Spiritual exercises..

Let us pray.

Mother Mary, I am all thine. Take me and watch over me. Guide me to Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life, that I may be one with Him in you. Do not permit me to displease our Father seriously. Grant that in your most chaste womb I may gradually come to the fullness of Jesus Christ and so be born into Heaven, your second born son.
At all times, my good Mother, solve my doubts and difficulties and make manifest to thy child the holy will of the Father, at all times.
Show me also sweet Mother, my true position in this life. My relations with God, how immense and good our Father is; how small and sinful I am. Show me just the truth about myself. Grant that I may never be separated from thee, my treasure! 

I promise to renew this consecration every feast day of my Queen, the throne of my heart and to honor her especially on these days. Amen.


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