Saints John XXIII & J.P.II

Brothers & Sisters, to be a saint is something we need to always keep in mind, this is true ambition for us, no longer money or fame but holiness is our goal. Remember Satan is real and temptation is always close, be on guard against anger and hate. Let us pray from John XXIII and J.P.II

"The saints were generous they readily and immediately corresponded with the grace which was never wanting and seized upon and brought into their lives every tittle of the truth. No delay.

The one thing which guided them was- the will of God (hic et nunc). They proceeded with energy to root out all humanness and self from their lives and to replace the spirit of Jesus. And so they became dead to self.

 They never acted on impulse always the used the cardinal virtue of prudence which resides in the intellect. Prayer and mortification were the weapons." 'Ad majorem Dei gloriam.' Diary.1941


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