Brothers & Sisters today let us focus on the need to have God in our lives.

Brothers & Sisters today let us focus on the need to have God in our lives. We depend on Him foe even the smallest of things. In the paragraph below Fr Jim Norris writes the serious commitment we make when following Jesus. I have kept the notes true to his writing so sometimes the English is not perfect.

" Christ on Calvary and of the sacrifice from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof is the same”. He is unchangeable truth. His was the reasonable of a dependent creature. All through His Life He submitted to His Father’s will; He was ready to lay down His Life if his Father so willed. His Father willed and He did so. In the Mass we lay bread and wine, sustains human life, on the Table. By these we signify that we depend for our human existence upon God and that, if needs be, we are willing to lay down our human lives, if He wills it. In time, he may will it. In the meantime we promise to submit to God’s will in all its details. We lie in so far as we fail to accomplish this will." Ad majorem Dei gloriam. Issuu publishers. 2014.


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