Our Nature

Brothers & Sisters This daily post is a short explanation from me and a piece of the Fr Jim Norris book, it is a reflection on the St Ignatius exercises. So instead of doing a very high level of theology we use Fr Jim’s notes as a way to grow in love and understanding of Jesus. We are not a business and everything is free.

"Your nature had as it were a definite bias towards evil. Now as you grew older you forgot your dignity as a child of God and you squandered your inheritance, the beautiful gifts of Baptism by serious sin. Not only once but again and again. You can see that as a result of your evil nature and repeated habit of sin your correct view of things has been changed. Your mind is perverted, sin means little to you and your soul is darkened and blunted. To clean the soul and give it the correct natural view on creatures needs much effort and prayer and grace. You have fallen from your pedestal as a brother of Jesus Christ into the mud and to get back again needs much washing, straightening and since we are so weak, much help." Ad majorem Dei gloriam. Issuu publishers. 2014


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