How important is Subsidiarity?
I met Fr
Jim Norris in 2005 and I believe that when he gave me his diaries it was the
Holy Spirit working. I have been discerning what to do with this gift and I am
not willing to do anything without the proper approval of the Hierarchy. I have attached our submission, which is
rather long but gives an outline of our aims. There are more documents on our
monthly Formation program, a Constitution and the book ‘The Fr Norris
The purpose of our asking you for this help is that I
believe it is getting close to the time where we need a Priest to help form an
apostolic society and we would really like your help to find that
special Priest that can come to our Parish to work part time for the
‘Norrisites,’ which is the name of our group.
The Norrisites is a group that by its nature is for
the poor and disabled, those people who are usually not able to join in
the regular religious institutions. We are a religious society that comes
before RCIA programs. We encourage and support regular Mass attendance and help
with transport and access inside the Church.
How important is
Subsidiarity in the Church? Pope Francis and the Popes before have mostly
talked about making the Church more for the people, all different kinds of
people. This network of relationships strengthens the social fabric and
constitutes the basis of a true community of persons, making possible the
recognition of higher forms of social activity[398]. This is why the Norrisites
use the notes of Fr Norris as a formation program, we the poor need a group to
share our faith with, we need the support of the Church, we need a place to sit
to talk and pray. This exists now, of course it does. What we are needing is a
time where the scruffy and smelly can come without upsetting the good pious
people who want the Church to be a place they can pray without distraction.
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