Pope Francis meets with Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

Pope Francis meets with Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
Fouad Boutros Ibrahim Twal was born on October 23, 1940 in Madaba, Jordan. He entered the Latin Patriarchal seminary in Beit Jala in 1959, was ordained priest on June 29,1966 and served in the parishes of the Latin Patriarchate.
The Fr Norris OPUS IN FIDES is 256 pages long and is mitigated from St Ignatius spiritual exercises. In 1941 Fr. James Norris went to the Seminary in Essedon, Australia and after Ordination he then did missionary work in Japan until retirement, returning to Rotorua his hometown in 2004.  Fr Norris handed on his diary to Mark Baird in 2004 and I decided to type up his notes and study his work because I believe it has great merit for the average person.

Fr Norris: Thoughts “For to me, to live is Christ.” “Ah Christ if there were no hereafter it still were best to follow thee.” Tears are nobler gift than laughter. Whoever wears the yoke alone is free.
What we need most in our career is the one who can liberate within us that lifelong prisoner whose doom it is to remain captive until another sets it free, our best. For we can never set our best free by our own hands; that must be done by another. Aim at the highest to be a faithful copy of Christ. You have only one life to lead.


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