Unity is superior to conflict

Unity is superior to conflict

2013-04-26 L’Osservatore Romano
Yesterday afternoon, 24 April, at around 6:00 p.m. Pope Francis telephoned Italian President Giorgio Napolitano. The Pontiff thanked him for his telegram of good wishes on his nameday and expressed his appreciation for the President’s willingness to accept his reelection as head of state. “Mr President, I have telephoned you to thank you” , he said, “for your example. You have set an example for me. With your actions you have brought to life the fundamental principle of coexistence: that unity is superior to conflict. I am moved by your decision”

The fundamentalism principle of co existence is caritas with true charity towards the poor we learn that love is not an emotion or a lawful contract but a way of living with others who not only have a different way of thinking and behaving but are human brothers and sisters.



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