ASIA/SYRIA – A Catholic priest killed. Bishop Hindo: he offered his martyrdom for peace - Fides News Agency

ASIA/SYRIA – A Catholic priest killed. Bishop Hindo: he offered his martyrdom for peace - Fides News Agency
Vatican RadioThe violence in Syria does not spare the Christian minority, more and more in trouble in the theater of war. Attacked and looted in the north east of the country, the Franciscan monastery of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghassanieh in the Orontes valley, 120 kilometers from Aleppo.
Testo proveniente dalla pagina del sito Radio Vaticana 
Near the town of Jisr al-Shughour in the village of Al-Hassan morning of June 23 militants attacked the Roman Catholic Church, "al-Latin", plundered it and killed the abbot, "Maar Saman Al-Amoudi," Francois Murad.


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