proudtobecatholic | Fr Michael Gielen reports from Rome
proudtobecatholic | Fr Michael Gielen reports from Rome
Usually the new Pope comes out within an hour, but it was an hour and a quarter- apparently it was because he was trying to ring Pope Benedict, and Pope Benedict was watching the TV waiting for the new Pope and didn’t answer the phone. The story going around Rome is that they rung the Pope 6 times and Pope Emeritus Benedict just wasn’t answering his phone, I mean, what’s more important than the new Pope being chosen- and it was the Pope trying to ring him!
Usually the new Pope comes out within an hour, but it was an hour and a quarter- apparently it was because he was trying to ring Pope Benedict, and Pope Benedict was watching the TV waiting for the new Pope and didn’t answer the phone. The story going around Rome is that they rung the Pope 6 times and Pope Emeritus Benedict just wasn’t answering his phone, I mean, what’s more important than the new Pope being chosen- and it was the Pope trying to ring him!
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