Fr Jim Norris spiritual exercises Introductory links

There are daily translations of Fr Norris' contemplation's into several languages.Apologies to other cultures our primary language is English.

There are four parts to the Fr Jim Norris ministry. Look on the the links to other pages to 'like' and remember to to tick 'Get Notifications.' 
1.Submission (sequilla christii), what we want to do.
2.Diary of Fr Jim Norris mitigated from St Ignatius 30 day retreat he did in 1941 (Opus in fides), and
3. Rule (catechetical directory). A formation programme to help the novice deepen their faith.
4. St Josephs house (foundation of institute in Israel)

The Fr. Norris diary is mitigated from the St Ignatius exercises making it a reflection catechesis used in reference to the ‘exercises’ it gives the catechist a study guide to their own reflection and that of both Fr. Norris and St Ignatius.

(Humility, A great virtue) How long have you been in Japan? A young friend asked Father Jim Norris. Twenty five years, the Columban missionary from Rotorua replied. What have you to show for it? It was a question the missionary had often asked himself, looking back over the years of seemingly barren...
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