Fr Norris spiritual exercise
Lord, I know you pity me. Heal my soul because I have sinned against you. Create in me or ' Lord, a heart clean and renew a vertical spirit within me. Great seriousness and sincerity in me throughout the day. Here and there. In the spiritual life should your own stone quarry. You can enjoy better fruits of their own labour. Remember that as more fasting, Mortification and Penance we do more spiritual joy we obtain. I ask of our Divine Lord up to where you want to go. Lord, I know you pity me. Heal my soul because I have sinned against you. Create in me or ' Lord, a heart clean and renew a vertical spirit within me. Great seriousness and sincerity in me throughout the day. Here and there. In the spiritual life should your own stone quarry. You can enjoy better fruits of their own labour.
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