
Showing posts from February, 2014


"Just because you experienced joy in doing this mortification does not mean that the joy is from heaven. No it was from the devil who is deceiving you. Have to be careful in this respect. Do not be carried away by first enthusiasm. You know yourself that you have often commenced a project enthusiastically but only lasted a couple of day,’s e.g. some hobby. Do not therefore make resolutions when you are really enthusiastic. Wait till you cool off and if you still want to make the resolution and keep it. Be particularly careful in mortification's. Keep to doing small things consistently." Fr Norris diary 1941. BROTHERS & SISTERS, FR NORRIS WRITES IN HIS DIARY ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF SPIRITS AND THERE PURPOSE. IT IS VERY EASY TO BECOME CONFUSED AND EXCITED BY OUR HUMAN PLANS AND AMBITION. BE CAREFUL IN ALL THINGS, PATIENT AND KIND.

Restauration Basilique Nativite fevrier

Diễn Đàn Dân Chủ Thiên Chúa Giáo Việt Nam: Các linh mục Việt Nam kêu gọi hủy bỏ án tử hình

Diễn Đàn Dân Chủ Thiên Chúa Giáo Việt Nam: Các linh mục Việt Nam kêu gọi hủy bỏ án tử hình : VRNs (05.02.2014) – Thừa Thiên Huế – Bản án tử hình đối với phạm nhân đã từ lâu không diễn tả sự công tâm của pháp luật, mà mang nặng tính...
"Jésus. Obéissant en toutes choses à sa mère et son père adoptif . Soucieux d'aider son père adoptif , il s'attendrait à la volonté de sa mère . Le fils parfait . Une source de joie pour Marie et Joseph . Il avait une grande vénération pour ses parents . Nous devons aussi servir et honorer nos parents et faire tout ce qu'on peut pour les aider . Nous devrions faire notre maison de la source de tout bonheur . Au Collège , de nos camarades de la classe doit fournir tout le plaisir que nous voulons . Inutile de chercher ailleurs . Jésus serait une source d'émerveillement à ses voisins . Son visage radieux reflétant sa sainteté . Sans doute , ils ont demandé ce qu'il allait faire . Et pourquoi Jésus soumis à Marie et Joseph . Il était Dieu . Pourquoi a-t-il permis St. Joseph pour lui montrer comment faire une chaise quand il pourrait avoir montré St. J...