
Showing posts from April, 2013

Pope Francis: The Value of Confession - YouTube. The confessional is not a “laundromat”

Pope Francis: The Value of Confession - YouTube (Vatican Radio) The Confessional is not a ‘dry cleaners’ where our sins are automatically washed away and Jesus is not waiting there to ‘beat us up’, but to forgive us with the tenderness of a father for our sins. Moreover, being ashamed of our sins is not only natural, it’s a virtue that helps prepare us for God's forgiveness.  Text from page   of the Vatican Radio website  EXERT FROM THE FR NORRIS OPUS IN FIDES "Confession ." Be open. Conceal nothing. Once you reeled off all the sins, infidelities, faults, mistakes and inclinations to Father. Forget them. In all your confessions from now on take them as from the last confession. You begin afresh. A clean slate. As the old sailor said after a good confession. “The pilot is aboard now Father, no chance of being bashed on the rocks”. MP3  To listen to ...

Fr. Anthony Kadavil’s homilies

Source: Fr. Anthony Kadavil’s homilies     home parish "Already in the first Christian century, believers understood that catechesis is a cradle-to-grave  endeavor." Text from page,_2013/in2-686246 of the Vatican Radio website  Reflections: This is the truth about 'The Faith' and patience is on of the hardest things to control especially with the zeal that comes with the grace of Confirmation. When Pope Francis Confirmed the blessed last Sunday the 28th April is was obvious the faith was something that part of the New Evangelization, not that is really 'new' Vatican II is entering into a phase and it is exciting but challenging.  In the second part of Jesus’ farewell discourse, he gives his followers a new commandment: they must love one another as he has loved them. They would be known, not by the sign of the fish, or even of the cross, but by their mutual love,...

Pope Francis' Mass in the Casa Sanctae Marthae 28 April

Mass of Pope Francis at Mass in the Casa Sanctae Marthae Pope Francis speaks about the dangers of gossip and the med for openness in Christian communities. Exert from Fr Norris opus in fides Meditation. 27/12/42 . Throw overboard all this ridiculous vanity. How your funny little self gets in the road, obscuring the infinite. And how full of human respect you are – what is man that you should fear his opinion? Why should you fear to have the truth about yourself known among men? You are only a frail human being and a sinner. Ah! Throw overboard all this ridiculous vanity and consideration of earthly things. Please men only because by so doing you shall please God. Die to yourself. Care not what men think of you – good or bad reports. Work only for God, trusting in Him. He will never leave you. Don’t think of yourself – no matter what God does to you. You must appear before men as the manifestation of God’s goodness – as a shining light and a beacon showing yo...

The Church cannot accept violence,

37. The Church cannot accept violence, especially the force of arms- which is uncontrollable once it is let loose- and indiscriminate death as the path to liberation, because she knows that violence always provokes violence and irresistibly engenders new forms of oppression and enslavement which are often harder to bear than those from which they claimed to bring freedom.  We said this clearly during our journey in Colombia: "We exhort you not to place your trust in violence and revolution: that is contrary to the Christian spirit, and it can also delay instead of advancing that social uplifting to which you lawfully aspire."[63] "We must say and reaffirm that violence is not in accord with the Gospel, that it is not Christian; and that sudden or violent changes of structures would be deceitful, ineffective of themselves, and certainly not in conformity with the dignity of the people."[64] EVANGELII NUNTIANDI  39. The necessity of ensuring fundamental human rig...

EVANGELII NUNTIANDI What is the New Evangelization? Has it changed?

    Sequela Christi Discipleship The  following of Christ  is a Latin phrase (  Continuation of Christ  ) that, especially from the  Middle Ages  , has come to mean in  Christian spirituality  , and especially monastic-religious commitment to religious life.  It is often associated with the  Imitatio Christi  '. POPE PAUL VI   10. This kingdom and this salvation, which are the key words of Jesus Christ's evangelization, are available to every human being as grace and mercy, and yet at the same time each individual must gain them by force - they belong to the violent, says the Lord,[24] through toil and suffering, through a life lived according to the Gospel, through abnegation and the cross, through the spirit of the beatitudes. But above all each individual gains them through a total interior renewal which the Gospel calls metanoia; it is a radical conversion, a profound change of mind and heart.[25] ...

Unity is superior to conflict

Unity is superior to conflict 2013-04-26 L’Osservatore Romano Yesterday afternoon, 24 April, at around 6:00 p.m. Pope Francis telephoned Italian President Giorgio Napolitano. The Pontiff thanked him for his telegram of good wishes on his nameday and expressed his appreciation for the President’s willingness to accept his reelection as head of state. “Mr President, I have telephoned you to thank you” , he said, “for your example. You have set an example for me. With your actions you have brought to life the fundamental principle of coexistence: that unity is superior to conflict. I am moved by your decision” The fundamentalism principle of co existence is caritas with true charity towards the poor we learn that love is not an emotion or a lawful contract but a way of living with others who not only have a different way of thinking and behaving but are human brothers and sisters.

Pope celebrates his saint's day with cardinals: 'absurd' to look for Jesus without the Church - YouTube

Pope celebrates his saint's day with cardinals: 'absurd' to look for Jesus without the Church - YouTube Pope Francis uses Parresia to describe the way a disciple should behave when evanglizing, again it becomes clear this New Evangelization is forming into a drive to reinvigorate the missionary acts of the Church. Parresia This Greek word is often used in the writings of the New Testament to describe the attitude that Jesus’ disciples should have when doing evangelization.   Parresia means: “confidence”, “courage”, “boldness”, “fearless public speaking”, “free speaking”, “bold speaking”, “assurance”.   1. Jesus had trained His disciples to be courageous.   “Do not fear”, “Take courage”, “I am with you” are encouraging words that Jesus continously said to his disciples.   “When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water, they thought he was a ghost. They were terrified and cried out.   Immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, ‘Take courage! It is I. Don'...

paradigmatic programmatic mission

"Above all, I ask you to have a special concern for the continental mission grow in its two aspects: paradigmatic programmatic mission and mission.  That all is in a missionary pastoral.  We get out of ourselves to all the regions and grow in parresia existential." I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS, DISCERNMENT REQUIRED- CONTEMPLATE PICTURE

Decree on the Apostolate of Laity - Apostolicam Actuositatem

Decree on the Apostolate of Laity - Apostolicam Actuositatem "This apostolate becomes more imperative in view of the fact that many areas of human life have become increasingly autonomous. This is as it should be, but it sometimes involves a degree of departure from the ethical and religious order and a serious danger to Christian life. Besides, in many places where priests are very few or, in some instances, deprived of due freedom for priestly work, the Church could scarcely exist and function without the activity of the laity." THE LAITY HAS THE DUTY TO SERVE LIKE ANYONE WHO HAS RECEIVED THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION, THE MOTIVATION TO SERVE IS NOT EASILY ACCEPTED AND WITHOUT THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS   PRIESTS  AND NUNS WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO SERVE US WITH CHARITY. WE COULD NOT SERVE THE POOR OR NEEDY IN OUR SUFFERING WHICH IS MUTUAL IN OUR HUMANITY.

Jesus is the GATE

The earliest known icon of Jesus So Jesus said again, “Amen, amen, I say to you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture. A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” Jesus is the gate. When you receive the grace of the Sacraments a different level of faith occurs; a trans-formative faith, a new sense of faith, the realism of  the Kingdom of God grows from a willingness to learn about the many different aspects to faith; knowledge, understanding, piety, counsel, fortitude, fear of the Lord, wisdom.

Holy Mass on the occasion of Priestly Ordinations

The 'call' to holy orders is one of the most challenging events in a persons life , the time becomes one of intense temptations, just as when Jesus was in the desert with satan. Celibacy itself is a big challenge but very necessary so a Priest can be focused on serving God and his sheep. like in the reading today. HOLY ORDERS
Christ Has No Body   http://www.United States Bishops Conference Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks Compassion on this world, Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, Yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours. -- St. Teresa of Avila (1515–1582)

Familiaris Consortio - John Paul II - Apostolic Exhortation (November 22, 1981)

Study-  Familiaris Consortio - John Paul II - Apostolic Exhortation (November 22, 1981) "Evangelical Discernment 5. The discernment effected by the Church becomes the offering of an orientation in order that the entire truth and the full dignity of marriage and the family may be preserved and realized. This discernment is accomplished through the sense of faith,(10) which is a gift that the Spirit gives to all the faithful,(11) and is therefore the work of the whole Church according to the diversity of the various gifts and charisms that, together with and according to the responsibility proper to each one, work together for a more profound understanding and activation of the word of God The Church, therefore, does not accomplish this discernment only through the Pastors, who teach in the name and with the power of Christ but also through the laity: Christ "made them His witnesses and gave them understanding of the faith and the grace of speech (cf. Acts 2:17-18; Rv. 19...

Holy Land: International family centre to be built in Nazareth on Independent Catholic News

Holy Land: International family centre to be built in Nazareth on Independent Catholic News Maybe this needs a Little discernment but Nazareth may be a stop over when in Israel?

Misericordia Domini Gregorian chants for 3rd Sunday

Mosteiro de São Bento: A jóia Beneditina do Centro de São Paulo Hebdomada tertia paschæ   Plain chants are beautiful prayers. [Article in Folha de São Paulo, Illustrated F-3 Sunday,  August 20, 1989  ] by  José Ramos Sachetta Assistant editor of the Illustrated First Year of Gregorian Chant  and  Gregorian Semiology  - two books of Dom Eugène Cardine OSB in one volume.  Co-editing Attar Editorial and Pallas Athena.  Translation Eleanor Florence Dewey (Mother Mary of the Redeemer CSA), 349 pages, out of print today. Two key works for understanding of Gregorian chant were translated into Portuguese and released in a si...

A snippet from the Fr Norris OPUS

Sayings worth remembering.  Remember “No man is a judge in his own case.” And from hour to hour we ripe and ripe, we rot and rot, and thereby hangs a tale. (Shakespeare). Time is a flash between two eternities. Consistency, thou art a jewel. Whatever has an end is short. Our life fixes our eternity no second innings. St. Theresa said she would walk on live coals all the days of her life, if it would gain her a little more merit. Everything is more durable than the dust out of which mankind is made. We are painting a picture and one day we must lay down the brush and gaze on it for eternity.

The White Fathers' community at St Anne's, Jerusalem

The White Fathers' community at St Anne's, Jerusalem Jerusalem, Nazareth, is the location we are researching for our foundation; St Josephs House is a project using the Fr Norris OPUS IN FIDES as a formation program  for novices who experience a disability.

Marriage is unique for a reason

Interview: Head of Pontifical Council for the Family talks about the importance of the family for society, and more | Marriage Unique for a Reason Marriage is unique for a reason MR & MRS BAIRD 2009 John Paul II MARRIAGE the start of Nazareth family


Image   Speculum Justitiae Mirror of Justice The various symbolic meanings of the mirror highlight: (1) purity of the soul, (2) self-knowledge and moral integrity, as well as (3) its ability to reflect reality.  Mary's soul is holy and pure.  She reflects the Sun of Justice, meaning God's perfection and holiness.  She is the mirror without blemish of God's majesty (Wisdom 7:6).  The Sun of Justice is reflected in the image of Mother and Child.  The angel with balance and sword, usually a symbol of justice, signifies God's perfection.  There is a second and oval mirror whose surface is tainted and marred.  In it, three shadowy silhouettes can be barely perceived, featuring Adam or sinful humanity between Good and Evil, that is Satan, beckoning and tempting, and the guardian angel watching over his protégé.  This mirror does not reflect light and perfection but darkness and sin, or at least the blurr...

Pope Francis meets with Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

Pope Francis meets with Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Boutros Ibrahim Twal was born on October 23, 1940 in Madaba, Jordan. He entered the Latin Patriarchal seminary in Beit Jala in 1959, was ordained priest on June 29,1966 and served in the parishes of the Latin Patriarchate. T he Fr Norris OPUS IN FIDES is 256 pages long and is mitigated from St Ignatius spiritual exercises.  In 1941 Fr. James Norris went to the Seminary in Essedon , Australia and after Ordination he then did missionary work in Japan until retirement, returning to Rotorua his hometown in 2004 .   Fr Norris handed on his diary to Mark Baird in 2004 and I decided to type up his notes and study his work because I believe it has great merit for the average person. Fr Norris: Thoughts “For to me, to live is Christ.” “Ah Christ if there were no hereafter it still were best to follow thee.” Tears are nobler gift than laughter. Whoever wears the yoke alone is free. What we need most in...

The Bishop of Rome Francis presides over the celebration of the Eucharist during which he takes possession of the St. Paul's Basilica

Mass learn Latin Latin booklet to follow the Mass With Seqilla Christii the use of media is indescribable when it means you cannot get to Mass you can follow the Latin with the booklet It means you can concentrate more without distractions of other people shuffling about or coughing.  If you have a disability you can use technology not for entertainment but education. The use of technology is a big part of OPUS IN FIDES (The Fr Norris diary) If we ever get a house in Jerusalem technology will br essential in catechesis.

Pope Francis: Learning to take life as it comes, the good with the bad

Pope Francis: Learning to take life as it comes, the good with the bad

Pope Francis: Looking back at his first month in office

Pope Francis: Looking back at his first month in office

Vatican Connection - Apr. 12, 2012 Tradition

An interview with Fr Rosica CSB about the tradition of the Church, what small changes are likely with Pope Francis and how effective they may be in missionary work                 tradition a Salt and L canonization OF SAINT


Image "{9. Because the Christian Faith is universal and missionary, the events and words revealed by God must be each time rethought, reformulated, and lived anew within each human culture, if we wish them to inspire the prayer, the worship, and the daily life of the people of God. Thus, the Gospel of Christ leads each culture toward its. fullness and at the same time submits it to a creative criticism. " I belive this the way inculturation works to bring many people to a understanding of the true Christiam message however one must never forget the primacy of sacramental grace.

Homily of Most Rev. Gerhard L. Müller A missionary homily.

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Ordinary Time Moreau Seminary South Bend, IN February 7, 2013 *** Homily of Most Rev. Gerhard L. Müller I wonder what thoughts passed through the minds of the Twelve as they started out, two by two, on their first mission? Imagine it: these men had abandoned jobs and family and had by now spent a good deal of time with Jesus, privileged to be in daily, constant companionship with him. Now he was sending them out, and I suspect they went on their way with a mixture of trepidation and excitement. How would they be received? How effective would they be, especially without Jesus himself present? And (questions that might occur to any seminarian), where would they be sent … and with whom? Did Our Lord separate the sets of brothers? Did he, with perhaps a twinkle in his eye, pair up Matthew the tax collector with Simon the zealot? We might describe their experience today as a "ministry placement"; they were to hone th...