Courage! The Church loses courage when lukewarm.
Pope Francis makes a good point about courage, we must live in the kingdom of God not in this temporal vain world concerned with vanity and ambition.
VA NEWS "When the Church loses courage, the Church enters into a ‘lukewarm’ atmosphere. The lukewarm, lukewarm Christians, without courage ... That hurts the Church so much, because this tepid atmosphere draws you inside, and problems arise among us; we no longer have the horizon, or courage to pray towards heaven, or the courage to proclaim the Gospel. We are lukewarm ... We have the courage to get involved in our small things in our jealousies, our envy, our careerism, in selfishly going forward ... In all these things, but this is not good for the Church: the Church must be courageous! We all have to be courageous in prayer, in challenging Jesus!".
Fr Norris reflection: 5/6/1942.
These last two days Jesus seems to have left you. He is trying you.
Take courage, remembering former occasions, He always returns. Above all
rejoice at your cross, embrace it with love and do your best. Do not seek any
consolation in creatures, mortify yourself more. We are just beginning the
Novena to the Sacred Heart. How pure is that loving heart. Compare it to your
defiled heart, so often sullied by love of creatures, so lukewarm, so downcast
at times so feeble. Obtain strength from that loving tower of strength and
love. You should make it your ambition in all things to do as Jesus did. Poor,
derided, mocked, neglected, despised, misunderstood-nobody loved Him. Love to
be in want so that you can trust and rely fully upon Him. What a terrible thing
though to have attachment to creatures. Suppose God desired your soul tonight.
As John says the Holy Spirit guides different souls along different paths
according to the work he has mapped out for each –and of course the destiny of
the soul.
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