
Showing posts from June, 2013

13th Sunday of the year - 30 June, 2013

13th Sunday of the year - 30 June, 2013       GOOD HOMILY

Shining new light on the history of Rome

Shining new light on the history of Rome


  CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Irenaeus Memorial of Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr  Lectionary: 375 St. Irenaeus was born in Asia Minor around the year 140. It is not known when he came to Gaul. He was a priest of the Church of Lyons during the persecution of 177 when St. Pothinus, first bishop of the city and the first martyr of Lyons, was put to death. Irenaeus succeeded him as bishop and twenty-five years later was martyred in his turn during a fresh persecution. At a time when Gnostic sects threatened to undermine Christianity by a perversion of Christian thought, St. Irenaeus vigorously denounced all heresies and safeguarded unity of belief by laying down the principles of the doctrinal tradition of the Church.

ASIA/SYRIA – A Catholic priest killed. Bishop Hindo: he offered his martyrdom for peace - Fides News Agency

ASIA/SYRIA – A Catholic priest killed. Bishop Hindo: he offered his martyrdom for peace - Fides News Agency The violence in Syria does not spare the Christian minority, more and more in trouble in the theater of war.   Attacked and looted in the north east of the country, the Franciscan monastery of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghassanieh in the Orontes valley, 120 kilometers from Aleppo. Testo proveniente dalla pagina   del sito Radio Vaticana  Near the town of Jisr al-Shughour in the village of Al-Hassan morning of June 23 militants attacked the Roman Catholic Church, "al-Latin", plundered it and kil...

Pope Mass: Respond to Jesus from the heart

Pope Mass: Respond to Jesus from the heart “But who do you say that I am?”, This question is asked by a living person. And we have to respond from the heart.” “Veneration and love for his Holy Name. Certainty that he set us on a rock – the rock of his love. And from this love, we give you the answer, we give the answer. And when Jesus asks these questions – ‘Who am I for you?’ – we need to think of this: I was set on the rock of his love. He leads me. I must respond firmly on that rock and under his leadership.” “Who am I for you?” Jesus asks us. Sometimes we are ashamed to respond to his question, underlined the Pope, because we know that something in us is not right, we are sinners. But it is exactly in this moment that we should trust in his love and respond with that sense of truth, as Peter did on Lake Tabor: “Lord, you know everything”. It is exactly in the moment that we feel like sinners, the Lord loves us a lot, said the Pope. And just as he put Peter, the fisherman, at ...

Pope Francis: treasures we can take with us

Pope Francis: treasures we can take with us   Pope Francis continues, Jesus speaks about the “eye,” a symbol “of the intentions of the heart” that are reflected in the body: a “heart that loves” makes the body luminous; a “wicked heart” makes it dark. “Our ability to judge things,” the Pope says, depends on this contrast between light and darkness, as is shown also by the fact that from a “heart of stone . . . attached to worldly treasures, to “selfish treasure,” can also become a treasure “of hatred,” come wars . . . Instead – this was the final prayer of the Pope – through the intercession of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, whom the Church remembers today – let us ask for the grace of “a new heart . . . a heart of flesh”:

Laity for the New Evangelization

Image Laity for the New Evangelization. Card. Stanisław Ryłko  President Pontifical Council for the Laity  Vatican City Card. Stanisław Ryłko President Pontifical Council for the Laity Vatican City Laity for the New Evangelization “The Church today ought to take a giant step forward in her evangelization effort, and enter into a new stage of history in her missionary dynamism”.1 This statement in Christifideles Laici is still very relevant today, and the role of the laity in this process continues to be irreplaceable. Christ said “you too go into my vineyard” (Mt 20: 3-4), and this invitation should be seen as a clear call to an ever-growing number of lay men and women to take on their responsibility in the life and mission of the Church. This refers to their responsibility in the life and mission of all the Christian c...



Winter Solstice Northern hemisphere but relevant by Benedict XVI

Fourth Sunday of Advent - Angelus, 21 December 2008 Christ is the sun of grace who, with his life, "transfigures and enflames the expectant universe"..... among my Predecessors of venerable memory there were some who studied this science, such as Sylvester II who taught it, Gregory XIII to whom we owe our calendar, and St Pius X who knew how to build sundials.

AMERICA/HONDURAS - "The government has not yet responded to the peace initiative of the gangs," said Mgr. Emiliani - Fides News Agency

AMERICA/HONDURAS - "The government has not yet responded to the peace initiative of the gangs," said Mgr. Emiliani - Fides News Agency According to UN statistics, Honduras is considered to be the most violent Country in the world. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 18/06/2013) Maras activities range from  arms trafficking ,  assault ,  auto theft ,  burglaries ,  drug trafficking , extortion ,  human trafficking ,  identity fraud ,  identity theft ,  illegal gambling ,  illegal immigration , kidnapping ,  money laundering ,  people smuggling ,  prostitution ,  racketeering ,  robbery  and vandalism . Almost all maras display  tattoos  on their bodies as a sign of their affiliation to their gang. [1]  "La vida por las maras" or "the life for the gang" is a very commonly used phrase by these gangs. Although contrary to common belief, there is no evidence that the gang has ever had the killing of an innocent...

Lutherans and Catholics: From Conflict to Communion

Lutherans and Catholics: From Conflict to Communion Also from our Catholic side, our own conviction is 'Ecclesia semper reformanda' - that the life of the Church has to be reformed all the time, in every age, so we have this common intention of reform on both sides....what we could do in this document is to indicate the main themes of the theology of Martin Luther in lifht of our own ecumenical dialogue, showing that many ideas of Martin Luther have been issues for the whole Church and important elements of renovation of the Church..... This document could be a basis for all sorts of ecumenical dialogues....with other partners because it addresses the basic intention necessary reform of the Church and also addresses our own relationship with God" The full text of the document ‘From Conflict to Communion’ is available from the German Evangelische Verlangsanstalt and Bonifatius publishing house.

proudtobecatholic | Fr Michael Gielen reports from Rome

proudtobecatholic | Fr Michael Gielen reports from Rome Usually the new Pope comes out within an hour, but it was an hour and a quarter- apparently it was because he was trying to ring Pope Benedict, and Pope Benedict was watching the TV waiting for the new Pope and didn’t answer the phone. The story going around Rome is that they rung the Pope 6 times and Pope Emeritus Benedict just wasn’t answering his phone, I mean, what’s more important than the new Pope being chosen- and it was the Pope trying to ring him!

A soul for the laws - The principle of secularism must not mean hostility to the reality of religion

A soul for the laws - The principle of secularism must not mean hostility to the reality of religion For her own part, “the Church,” assured the Pontiff, “desires in this way to offer her own specific contribution to the deeper questions that engage in a more complete picture of the person and his or her destiny, of society and its destiny. This contribution does not solely lie in the anthropological or social sphere, but also in the political, economic and cultural spheres”.

"The Catholic Civilization".

Matteo Ricci, SJ   Pope Francis at the Community of Writers of "The Catholic Civilization",  June 14, 2013 利 瑪 竇 ; And to seek God in all things, in all fields of knowledge, art, science, politics, social and economic studies are needed, feel, experience.  Some of the matters dealt with may have no explicit relationship with a Christian perspective, but they are important for understanding the way in which people understand themselves and the world around them.  Your observation information is broad, objective and timely.  E 'must also have a focus towards truth, goodness and beauty of God, which always should be considered together, and are valuable allies in efforts to defend the dignity of man, the building of a peaceful co-existence and special care of creation.  From this attention comes the calm judgment, sincere and strong about the events, enlightened by Christ.  Great figures such as Matteo Ricci are a model.  Matteo Ricci's gra...

Evangelium Vitae: A consistent life ethic

Evangelium Vitae: A consistent life ethic Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization,

Forced migration: Pastoral Guidelines

Forced migration: Pastoral Guidelines (Vatican Radio) A new document dealing with the issue of forced migration was presented Thursday at the Holy See Press office by the Presidents of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the Pontifical Council  Cor Unum .    The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees is the key legal document in defining who is a refugee, their rights and the legal obligations of states.

International protection is based on two very basic and simple principles: the first that people not participating in some violence have a special right to be protected from this violence, and the second, that if protection cannot be provided to them where they are, they have a right to seek protection outside the zone of risk and danger, even across borders

BRUSSELS, 8 May 2013 (ICMC)  -- The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) today in Brussels held an awareness-raising, information-sharing and networking conference for civil society, local and regional authorities to promote more resettlement  places for refugees and to help improve their integration across Europe. Johan.pdf "International protection is based on two very basic and simple principles: the first that people not participating in some violence have a special right to be protected from this violence, and the second, that if protection cannot be provided to them where they are, they have a right to seek protection outside the zone of risk and danger, even across borders."(Johan Ketelers Secretary General of the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) W...

United Nations News Centre - UN announces largest ever humanitarian appeal for conflict-torn Syria

United Nations News Centre - UN announces largest ever humanitarian appeal for conflict-torn Syria 13 June 2013 – Warning the real figure is likely to be much higher, the United Nations human rights chief today announced that the death toll in Syria is nearly 93,000, with more than 5,000 people killed a month as the situation in the country has “deteriorated drastically” over the past year. Civilians are bearing the brunt of widespread, violent and often indiscriminate attacks which are devastating whole swathes of major towns and cities, as well as outlying villages.

Pontifical Council "Cor Unum" - Index

Pontifical Council "Cor Unum" - Index   = 'ONE HEART' The Holy See’s concern for the crisis in Syria, and in a particular way, for the people, often defenceless, who are suffering as a result of it, is well known. The destiny of the Syrian people is a concern that is close to my heart also.  The Pontifical Council “Cor Unum” called a meeting, from 4-5 June, of the Catholic charitable agencies that are working to combat the crisis in Syria.

AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - "The important thing is to be close to the poor," says the Bishop of the devastated Diocese of Bangassou - Fides News Agency

AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - "The important thing is to be close to the poor," says the Bishop of the devastated Diocese of Bangassou - Fides News Agency Bangui - The advance towards the east of the dissident faction of Seleka who conquered Bangassou on March 11, in south-eastern Central African Republic seems to have stopped."I was able to contact the mission of Rafai which is 150 km from Bangassou. The rebels have not entered the mission but they managed to steal missionary father's car and then left again heading towards Bangassou" says to Fides Agency His Exc. Mgr. Juan José Aguirre Munos, Bishop of Bangassou."Thank God, therefore the rebels have not continued towards the town of Rafa or beyond this, towards Zemio and Obo. In this last place the Seleka men would have to face the military and especially the Central African Ugandan soldiers and Americans and even the LRA rebels, " added the Bishop. ...

Cardinal Koch visits Ukraine to deepen Catholic-Orthodox dialogue

Cardinal Koch visits Ukraine to deepen Catholic-Orthodox dialogue     "R emembering the words of Blessed John Paul II, who said that ecumenism is not only an exchange of ideas but “an exchange of gifts,” the Swiss cardinal stressed also that “we mustn’t be afraid of ecumenism, because it is an enrichment.” “My personal experience is that, with ecumenism, I have become much more Catholic,” he concluded." His Eminence Archbishop Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki Metropolitan of Lviv

Pope visits John XXIII's tomb on the 50th anniversary of his death

John XXIII's hometown. you tube Popes hometown

Pope: all is lost in war; all is to be gained in peace

Pope: all is lost in war; all is to be gained in peace “In deploring all of these” – Francis continued –“I wish to assure my prayers and my solidarity for those who are being held in captivity and for their families, and I appeal to the humanity of the kidnappers to free their victims”.  I have detailed our haphazard route to our destination, because our experience aptly reflects the atmosphere of the time. Everyone was new, young and ignorant, feeling this way along a trial and error basis, seemingly going no place but somehow getting there. Given the times and everyone’s youth and lack of experience amid the aftermath of the war. (Fr Norris diary.)

Millions of Indians to join Pope Francis in Eucharistic adoration

Millions of Indians to join Pope Francis in Eucharistic adoration Despite the rapid growth in our economy, economic precariousness is another major issue as the gap between rich and poor widens further. We must indeed address the widening inequality, which could also have serious social consequences. Since we are one human family, one universal holy hour will make our shared humanity very tangible. When one member of the family suffers, all suffer. ( Text from page of the Vatican Radio website)  Millions of people around the world took part in an hour of Solemn Eucharistic Adoration on Sunday evening.