
Showing posts from October, 2013

Fr Norris reflection

The one who had received five talents came forward bringing the additional five. 10 He said, 'Master, you gave me five talents. See, I have made five more.'  21  His master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.'  22  (Then) the one who had received two talents also came  forward and said, 'Master, you gave me two talents. See, I have made two more.' 23 His master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.' 24 Then the one who had received the one talent came forward and said, 'Master, I knew you were a demanding person, harvesting where you did not plant and gathering where you did not scatter; 25 so out of fear I went off and buried your talent in the ground. Here it is back.' 26 His ma...

ASIA/JORDAN - Patriarch Twal opens the Conference on the role of women in the Middle East - Fides News Agency

ASIA/JORDAN - Patriarch Twal opens the Conference on the role of women in the Middle East - Fides News Agency

Archbishop Müller: Care of remarried divorcees must not be reduced to the question of receiving the Eucharist

Archbishop Müller: Care of remarried divorcees must not be reduced to the question of receiving the Eucharist

Thomas Merton on St. Bernard of Clairveaux (+playlist)


Fr Norris spiritual exercise

These are the 3 bones which we must possess. 1. Backbone Under this comes; good character, we obtain this by sowing good acts, acquiring good habits as a result and we have a solid character. Remember too we learn by mistakes. Do not be idle though and make no mistakes as a consequence. Must use initiative. Strength of will. This can be acquired by going against ourselves in little things. If you  will to do a thing, do it. Make and force ourselves to do things that go against human nature. Endurance is important. Both physically and spiritually. Stick to it. We must be prepared to rough it especially in China. Do not be a soft pansy. Perseverance and grit is the thing.  —  reading  Fr Norris spiritual exercises. Mitigated from St Ignatius . Fr Norris

Pope gives thanks for advances in Lutheran-Catholic relations

Pope gives thanks for advances in Lutheran-Catholic relations

Fr Norris contemplations on St Ignatius spiritual exercises.

Judgment of ourselves.  Must We picture ourselves before the throne of God. Try and picture our judgment.What would the sentence just and omnipotent judge pass on us? Try and anticipate the sentence. In use bluffing yourself, God knows your inner most thoughts.  The devil would use everything against me.  My Guardian Angel would reproach me.  The just and all holy judge, may love me but He hates my s  in. I have used my best hypocrisy in actions. Appear good but do they really an ulterior motive behind Them. eg I would stay a quarter of a hour longer in the chapel to show how holy I was? If I have made this meditation badly it will count against me as by doing so I have spurned God's graces Which are bountiful in the meditation. The meditation adds to my responsibility.I can not plead ignorance to the Almighty judge. I could not ask for one more day to repent. Keep yourself free from sin now, so that you will not need...

Fr Norris spiritual exercise

Aspirations . Lord , I know you pity me . Heal my soul because I have sinned against you . Create in me or ' Lord , a heart clean and renew a vertical spirit within me . Great seriousness and sincerity in me throughout the day . Here and there . In the spiritual life should your own stone quarry . You can enjoy better fruits of their own labour . Remember that as more fasting , Mortification and Penance we do more spiritual joy we obtain . I ask of our Divine Lord up to where you want to go . Lord , I know you pity me . Heal my soul because I have sinned against you . Create in me or ' Lord , a heart clean and renew a vertical spirit within me . Great seriousness and sincerity in me throughout the day . Here and there . In the spiritual life should your own stone quarry . You can enjoy better fruits of their own labour .

29th Sunday - 20 October, 2013

29th Sunday - 20 October, 2013

Fr Jim Norris spiritual exercises Introductory links

There are daily translations of Fr Norris'  contemplation's  into several languages.Apologies to other cultures our primary language is English. There are four parts to the Fr Jim Norris ministry. Look on the the links to other pages to 'like' and remember to to tick 'Get Notifications.'  1.Submission (sequilla christii) , what we want to do. 2.Diary of Fr Jim Norris mitigated from St Ignatius 30 day retreat he did in 1941 (Opus in fides), and 3. Rule (catechetical directory). A formation programme to help the novice deepen their faith. 4. St Josephs house (foundation of institute in Israel) The Fr. Norris diary is mitigated from the St Ignatius exercises making it a reflection catechesis used in reference to the ‘exercises’ it gives the catechist a study guide to their own reflection and that of both Fr. Norris and St Ignatius. Fr Norris spiritual exercises. Mitigated from St Ignatius (Humility, A great virtue) How long have you been in Japan? A young ...

Fr Jim Norris exercises. Arrival in Japan 1941.

Fr James Norris  On the 16th July, we once again boarded the GI express That took 24 hours to carry us to Hahata. We arrived acerca noon on the 17th, the address That Showed Given Jim had us to the jeep driver, courtesy of the American Forces, and time immediately drove us to Diamyo-machi church. A Seminarian, the future Fr Hatakeyama, met us and tried to explain That I this was not the Bishops house. Whatever conversation there was, had perforce to be in Latin. Finally I Climbed into the jeep with us and took us to 39 Josuidori, where we were warmly welcomed by Bishop Fukahori. haphazard I have detailed our route to our destination, our experience aptly Reflects Because the atmosphere of the time. Everyone was new, young and ignorant, Feeling This Way along with trial and error basis, seemingly going no place but somehow getting there. Given the times and everyone's youth and lack of experience amid the aftermath of the war, I do not see how it could have been any different....

Pontificium Consilium pro Familia - The Person is the Supreme Rule

Pontificium Consilium pro Familia - The Person is the Supreme Rule VERY INTERESTING.. HMM...

Fr Norris spiritual exercise for today.

Remember this and value it. No one is worthy of a vocation to the priesthood. God however gives the grace necessary. Missionaries must be content with the conditions. Often no food or bed, no comfort. If he has the spirit of Christ and true zeal these small matters will not worry him. We must get spirit of vocation. Poverty, resignation to God’s Will, obedience. We must not get engrossed in world affairs. Requirements physical fitness, intellectual fitness, spiritual fitness and a certain amount of goodwill. Our spiritual director will sanction vocation. Work hard and all will be alright. Be resigned to do God’s will in every matter. In priesthood too, all personal likes must be kept under control. When duty calls we must not think of our own comfort. Remember you have left the world now, true ambition towards Christ now. Let nothing bother us now but the vocation. Reading 1 JON 1:1–2:1-2, 11 This is the word of the LORD that came to Jonah, son of Amittai: “Set out for the grea...

Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary

Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary