
Showing posts from May, 2013

Vatican to UN: 100 thousand Christians killed for the faith each year

Vatican to UN: 100 thousand Christians killed for the faith each year A statement released by the religious reports how the minors are humiliated. Even parents are threatened, abused in their presence, deprived of all kinds of goods such as personal items, mobiles and computers. These children are terrified, afraid of being raped and abused again in the house. The religious insist that despite the complaints against the police and the sentences of the courts of justice, the fundamental rights of children continue to be violated. “Everything is joy. But we Christians, we are not used to talking about joy, about happiness. I think that many times we prefer complaints! What is joy? The key to understanding this joy is in the Gospel: 'Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit'. What gives us joy is the Holy Spirit.

Worldwide Eucharistic Adoration and Evangelium Vitae Day. World: key year of faith events

Worldwide Eucharistic Adoration and Evangelium Vitae Day. World: key year of faith events   

Supporting forests and communities | Jesuit Asia Pacific Conference

Supporting forests and communities | Jesuit Asia Pacific Conference

Pope: the culture of economic wellbeing and attraction towards the provisional prevent us from following Jesus

Pope: the culture of economic wellbeing and attraction towards the provisional prevent us from following Jesus In order to follow Jesus we must get rid of our culture based on economic  well being  and of our attraction for the provisional.  "I may desire the creatures over which I should have dominion into two categories. 1. Internal creatures: My passions, inclinations, ideals and talents. 2. External talents. Spiritual; prayer sermons, lectures, meditation, Mass, retreats. Intellectual; study, novels, papers, sciences. Arts; music, painting etc.. Bodily; food, sleep, drink, pleasure, pain, recreation, games all that develop the body. Social; classmates, strangers, neighbors, relations, superiors. All these things help in the salvation of my soul." (Fr Norris spiritual diary.)

ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - North Korea proposes a summit with the South: "hope re-opens", say the Bishops

ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - North Korea proposes a summit with the South: "hope re-opens", say the Bishops

Pope Francis on “rethinking solidarity” at Centesimus Annus conference

Pope Francis on “rethinking solidarity” at Centesimus Annus conference

Francis Pope to the Roman Parish: "The reality is better understood from the suburbs" - Vatican Radio

Francis Pope to the Roman Parish: "The reality is better understood from the suburbs" - Vatican Radio

Francis Pope to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, May 24, 2013

Francis Pope to participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, May 24, 2013   Remember the words of Paul VI: "For the Catholic Church no one is a stranger, no one is excluded, no one is Far Away" (  Homily for the Closing of the Second Vatican Council, December 8, 1965  ). 

AFRICA/NIGERIA - The Bishops: "Nigeria now almost totters on the brink. Prayer is essential to restore peace" - Fides News Agency

AFRICA/NIGERIA - The Bishops: "Nigeria now almost totters on the brink. Prayer is essential to restore peace" - Fides News Agency Tracing the genesis of the Boko Haram crisis in the country, the Bishops noted: "what started as a mere clash between law enforcement agencies and members of the Islamic sect Boko Haram has since spiraled into what can be best described as a low intensity war especially in some northern states of the country."

The language of reconciliation

The language of reconciliation "Wednesday 22 May, during the  General Audience in St Peter's Square; a language that is capable of taking words of reconciliation, forgiveness, peace, unity, and love to all parts of the world. It is the language of the Holy Spirit which, on the day of Pentecost, “releases ever new energy for mission, new ways in which to proclaim the message of salvation” and a new courage to evangelize."  Judgment of ourselves. We must picture ourselves before the throne of God. Try and picture our judgment. What sentence would the just and omnipotent judge pass on us? Try and anticipate the sentence. No use bluffing yourself, God knows your most inner thoughts. The devil would use everything against me. My guardian Angel would reproach me. The just and all holy judge, may love me but He hates my sin. Have I used hypocrisy in my best actions. Do they appear good but really an ulterior motive behind them. e.g. would I stay a quarter of a hour longer ...

Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People How can the Church boost its pastoral assistance to the victims of forced migration, especially at a time when more and more people worldwide are being forced to flee their homes largely because of conflict or persecution? This is the main topic being discussed by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People at its meeting in the Vatican this week.   

To say that you can kill in the name of God is blasphemy.”

To say that you can kill in the name of God is blasphemy.” ure-of-encounter-is-the-foundatio "The Lord created us in His image and likeness, and we are the image of the Lord, and He does good and all of us have this commandment at heart: do good and do not do evil. “Every religious,” said Our Lord to St Gertrude, is obliged to labor for the correction and sanctification of his brethren. He should advise them of their faults, or acquaint the Superior with them, that they may be remedied. Let no one shirk this positive duty, excusing himself by saying “it is not my place to correct others,” or “I am no better than they are.” Such conduct is like that of Cain whose answer to God’s  inquiry  about his brother was “Am I my brother’s keeper?” It is I who wary every religious that if, through his negligence or indifference, his brethren perish, I will demand of him an account of these souls, more rigorous, perhaps, in some instance...

Pope Francis: Call to prayer for the Church in China

Pope Francis: Call to prayer for the Church in China

Our Lady of Luján -Patroness of Argintina

Our Lady of Luján - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia    HOMILY OF JOHN PAUL II Friday, 13 November 1998

Bishops 'Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Home   On Sunday, 19  svibnja 2013th, mass was celebrated at Our Lady's Square in front of the Cathedral of Mostar Mother Church was celebrated Feast of the Holy Spirit.  Eucharist was presided by the Apostolic Nuncio to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Archbishop Pezzuto Liugi . Reconcillation is never easy but the country is making good progress. God willing.

Latest publications on

Latest publications on

Veni santus spiritus



Pastoral Approach to Culture

Pastoral Approach to Culture

VATICAN - "It is necessary to review the methods of evangelization": Cardinal Filoni at the Assembly of the Pontifical Mission Societies - Fides News Agency

VATICAN - "It is necessary to review the methods of evangelization": Cardinal Filoni at the Assembly of the Pontifical Mission Societies - Fides News Agency Vatican news of pontifical mission

Papa Francesco to the participants in the Pontifical Missionerie (17 May 2013)

Papa Francesco to the participants in the Pontifical Missionerie (17 May 2013) They call it "Pontifical" because they are directly available from the Bishop of Rome, with the specific purpose to act so that it is offered to all the precious gift of the Gospel.  They are fully present, indeed necessary even today, because there are so many people who have not yet known and met Christ, and it is urgent to find new forms and new ways for the grace of God can touch the heart of every man and every woman and We bring to Him all are simple, but important tools, and we have received the gift of faith is not to hide it, but to spread it, so that it can illuminate the path of so many brothers.

USCCB Blog: Five Things To Remember On May 14

USCCB Blog: Five Things To Remember On May 14 : 1. Masses in Washington and Baltimore will frame the second Fortnight for Freedom , which will last June 21-July 4. Archbishop William E. L...  2. Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl project was a rousing success, raising millions of dollars to combat hunger. See how people's generosity is changing lives. . There are 70 days left until millions of young people go to World Youth Day in Rio. Find out all you need to know at 4. Pope Francis' morning homilies are very quotable and have people buzzing on social media. Today, he offered,  "Satan always rips us off, always!"  5. God loves you.

Pentecost is coming

   On 19 May 2013, Pentecost Sunday, at 10:30 am, on St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father  Francis  will celebrate Mass for the members of the Movements, new communities, associations and lay groups around the world, come as pilgrims in Rome at the '  Year of Faith .  Let us ask for the grace of humility and meekness and that in this time of the Holy Spirit we may have a big heart.  16 MAY 2013

The Cathedral of Otranto Italy. Canonization of martyrs

Live with us: with Saints Francis,Otranto+Province+of+Lecce,+Italy&gl=nz&ei=CUGOUdLgLIiVjAKVk4HIAw&ved=0CLMBELYD

Pope Francis welcomes Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros

"Friday’s meeting between the Catholic and Oriental Orthodox popes comes 40 years to the day after the first historic encounter between Pope Paul VI.... Forty years ago the Common Declaration of our predecessors represented a milestone on the ecumenical journey, and from it emerged a Commission for Theological Dialogue between our Churches, which has yielded good results and has prepared the ground for a broader dialogue between the Catholic Church and the entire family of Oriental Orthodox Churches, a dialogue that continues to bear fruit to this day."  Francis and all the previous Popes that worked hard for unity have reason to celebrate and it is with joy that we  Catholics  welcome our holy brothers and sisters and pray that united in Baptism we may be united by the Chalice also.

The devil in Pope Francis' teaching

“I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life”.

General Audience of 8 May 2013 - Catechesis of Pope Francis Catechesis by Pope Francis on the beautiful work of the person called Holy Spirit! The importance of the Creed cannot be an underestimation in the era of new evangelization.

Message for the Feast of Vesakh 2013A.D./ 2556 B.E., 2 May 2013

Message for the Feast of Vesakh 2013A.D./ 2556 B.E., 2 May 2013 The many branches of the olive tree extend friendship and unity to all men of good will, (this includes women) 'The conference comes at a time when tensions and incidents of violence between Buddhists and other faiths are growing throughout Asia. It also comes 10 years after the first major meeting of Buddhist and Catholic leaders, and was held at Rome's missionary university, the Urbaniana, on Monday, reports UCA News .' Text from page of the Vatican Radio website 

The Service of Authority and Obedience

The Service of Authority and Obedience  "Considering, however, some elements of this cultural influence, it must be remembered that the desire for  self-realization  can at times enter into conflict with  community projects  , and the pursuit of  personal well-being,  both spiritual and material, can make it difficult to complete dedication to service the common mission, the  visions are too subjective  of the charism and apostolic service can weaken the collaboration and sharing. But it is not impossible that in some settings the opposite problems are prevalent, determined by an unbalanced vision on the side of the community and the excessive uniformity, with the risk of stifling the growth and responsibility of the individual.  It's not easy to strike a balance between the individual and community, and therefore also between authority and obedience. " The Fr Norris diary has a problem when elements of cultural influence, self-realiz...

Holy Mass on the occasion of the Day of Confraternities and of Popular Piety, 5 May 2013

Holy Mass on the occasion of the Day of Confraternities and of Popular Piety, 5 May 2013 "Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is brave of you to come here in this rain … May the Lord bless you abundantly! As part of the journey of the  Year of Faith , I am happy to celebrate this Eucharist dedicated in a special way to confraternities: a traditional reality in the Church, which in recent times has experienced renewal and rediscovery. " Pope Francis  This New Evangelization is a constant part of the driving force in reform, we are trying to implement the tenants of Vat II but it not a short term fix. 

Pope Francis: Mary, give us the grace to be signs and tools of life!

Pope Francis: Mary, give us the grace to be signs and tools of life! " The “Salus Populi Romani” is the mother that looks after our growth, she helps us face and overcome problems, she gives us freedom when we make important decisions; she is the mother who teaches us to be fruitful of good, joy, hope, to give life to others, both physical and spiritual life." What to say about Mary, there is so much she did for the Church. Bringing Jesus up is just thing that we focus on and the relationship is always important to reflect upon. The joy midst the trails of living under Roman occupation. Justice is never easy to achieve and cycles violence if it is not carefully treated. Pope Francis reminds us of the importance of  humility and meekness, qualities that  Mary posses. Let us try and emulate her ministry with kindness in charity towards others.

Pope Francis praying the Glorious mysteries

Vatican Radio - Player

Pope Francis at Mass: fighting evil with meekness and humility

Pope Francis at Mass: fighting evil with meekness and humility Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. What a good Homily  to the point, I do notice that Francis is using 'the prince of this world' maybe a softer less scary word than satan or the devil but do you think it dis-empowers all the devil worshipers? I hope so. I believe the reading today is reminding us not to be afraid but remember that Jesus is here, with the Advocate. "Here then is the reason that the hatred and persecution continue from the early days of the Church even unto the present day. There are, “Many persecuted Christian communities in the world,” said Pope Francis, noting with bitterness, “indeed there are more persecuted communities in this time than in the early days: today, right now, in this day and in this hour.” Asking himself why this is the case, the Pope said, “Because the spirit of the world hates.” 

Courage! The Church loses courage when lukewarm.

   " Pope Francis concelebrated with Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications and mass was attended by the Pontifical Swiss Guard with their commander Daniel Rudolf Anrig. On Sunday May 6 th , the guard will hold their annual celebration, commemorating the last stand of 1527 with Mass and the swearing in of new recruits." Pope Francis makes a good point about courage, we must live in the kingdom of God not in this temporal vain world concerned with vanity and ambition. VA NEWS    "When the Church loses courage, the Church enters into a ‘lukewarm’ atmosphere. The lukewarm, lukewarm Christians, without courage ... That hurts the Church so much, because this tepid atmosphere draws you inside, and problems arise among us; we no longer have the horizon, or courage to pray towards heaven, or the courage to proclaim the Gospel. We are lukewarm ... We have the courage to get involved in our small things in our jealousi...

Pope Francis welcomes Pope Emeritus Benedict XVIth home

Pope Francis welcomes Pope Emeritus Benedict XVIth home
UNRWA celebrates International Labour Day UNRWA marked International Labour Day yesterday with a celebration to recognize the work of the Agency’s Job Creation Programme (JCP), which provides temporary job opportunities and creates sustainable projects for thousands of Palestine refugees.

president-hopes-for-resumption-of peace

Image No unilateral agreement can be reached unless both parties are willing to give a little more than they are willing. How to resolve conflict? Vows of poverty chastity and obedience are the only way people can live together under the communion with God. He is the link that brings people together and resolves conflict by the love that Jesus teaches. Peace, true peace, cannot be bought.  It is a gift of God – a gift he offers to his Church and in order to obtain it Christians must continue to entrust the Church to God, who alone can take care of her and defend her from the wiles of the Evil One. . 

Liturgy in the New Evangelisation

Liturgy in the New Evangelisation (Vatican Radio) The Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon, France, has organised a conference to study, promote and renew the appreciation of liturgical formation and celebration and its foundation for the mission of the Church, particularly in the light of the teaching and example of Pope Benedict XVI. The Sacra Liturgia Conference is taking place during the Year of Faith to commemorate 50 years since the start of the Second Vatican Council, in accordance with the pastoral recommendations for the Year of Faith issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. “This conference is in June, in Rome, and the subject is the place of the liturgy, and liturgical formation for the New Evangelisation,” says Bishop Dominique Rey of Fréjus-Toulon. He says, “I had the joy of participating in the Synod for the New Evangelisation, I have seen . . . the essential place of the liturgy for the New Evangelisation. Because in the liturgy we receive the grace of God, and in t...

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower.

Remaining in Communion is so very important when you have been Baptized and Confirmed you become a disciple with a mission. Without the Church there is little hope of truly being a part of Jesus mission. There are many levels that need to be incorporated into the faith and of course 'love' is always expressed as charity and true charity is something that is given by the work of the Holy Spirit. The Gifts are what we need to show to others, including other people even if they are wrong or annoying.

The Church is not an NGO says Pope Francis

The Church is not a bureaucratic organization, it is a story of love, if "it creates offices and becomes somewhat bureaucratic, the Church loses its main substance and is in danger of turning into an NGO. And the Church is not an NGO". The statement was repeated at Mass this morning by Pope Francis celebrated in the chapel of St. Martha's residence. Among those present, were employees of the Institute for Religious Works (IOR).